Beyond Bullying
At Moira Primary School everyone is committed to ensuring a safe, happy and positive environment in which all can achieve and make the most from their school day. The school treats all reported forms of bullying seriously. All members of the school community deserve the right to feel valued, equal and respected and be able to come to school or work without fear.
Bullying is different from other kinds of unacceptable behaviour because it has a serious effect on a person's self-esteem, emotional and mental health, which in turn prevents them from developing their full potential and can seriously affect their life chances. The whole school community and bystanders have a duty to be mindful in this situations. All children and adults should be able to tell someone they trust and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.
We have adopted the Anti-Bullying Alliance's definition of bullying which is:
‘The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.’
This can happen face to face or online.
Our named Anti-Bullying Lead is Miss Johnson.
Our named Anti-Bullying Governor is Mrs. Uprichard.